< 2024 >

SLOVAK STAGE June 15th, 2018

Documents to be presented at registration:
  • Drivers Licence
  • Proof of Liability Isurance
  • Vehicle Registration
  • Proof of starting fee payment

I hereby agree to the following terms:

  • The crew participates at their own risk, the organizer does not accept any responsibility for the damage to health or property towards the participants.
  • The crews have to follow the instructions of the organizers, the driving regulations
  • and the rules of road safety.
  • I agree with processing and using of personal data for the purpose of this event


Application to be sent until 30. 4. 2018 with photo and description of your historic car and photos of crew members (passport style min. 200 dpi) to: info@dvcc.sk, or simon.hulka@dvcc.sk. The participation is limited for vehicles of year of construction older than 1939. The organizers reserve the right to select participants.
Registration fee to be paid only after your participations has been confirmed. Bank / Account. Nbr.: Tatra Banka a.s., Hodžovo námestie 3, 811 06 Bratislava. IBAN: SK20 1100 0000 0029 4905 0695, SWIFT: TATRSKBX